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Office and postal address

20 Gregory Street

Geraldton WA 6530

Phone: +61 (0)8 9956 8555


The Mid West Development Commission welcomes all feedback and enquiries.

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The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act) gives members of the public the right to access our documents, subject to some limitations. It also lets people seek changes to their personal information if they feel it is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading. We aim to provide information through the FOI process as quickly and cost effectively as possible and wherever possible we attempt to provide documents outside of the FOI process. Before submitting a freedom of information request, you are encouraged to contact us to discuss whether we hold the relevant documents and read the Commission’s Freedom of Information Statement.

Please address any Freedom of Information applications to:
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Mid West Development Commission
20 Gregory Street
Geraldton WA 6530

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act) allows any person to make a disclosure if they believe something is wrong with the way that a public authority, public officer or public sector contractor is acting, without fear of reprisal. As a State Government statutory authority, the Mid West Development Commission and its staff and contractors are subject to the PID Act. We support our employees to uphold high standards of professional and ethical conduct. We strongly encourage employees and the community to disclose any unethical behaviour.

Making a public interest disclosure
The PID Act deals with disclosures in the public interest made by any person, not just disclosures made by government employees. Disclosures can be anonymous. A disclosure is more than a general complaint about dissatisfaction with a product or service or a decision by government. It is also more than a personal grievance that can be resolved by agreement between parties.

The information disclosed must:

Relate to a matter of public interest
Show or tend to show wrongdoing by a public authority, public officer or public sector contractor performing a public function.
If the information is not covered by the PID Act, you can still lodge your complaint through our complaints process.

Please address any disclosures to:

Public Interest Disclosure Officer
Mid West Development Commission
20 Gregory Street
Geraldton WA 6530

All contact and related discussions are treated in the strictest confidence in accordance with the requirements of the PID Act.

At the time you make your disclosure, you should:

Believe on reasonable grounds that the information you have is, or may be, true (false or misleading disclosures attract a penalty)
Understand your rights and responsibilities under the PID Act.

Further information
More information about public interest disclosure may be obtained by visiting Public interest disclosure - Information for disclosers ( 

The Mid West Development Commission is committed to providing customers with high quality services to meet their needs. If customers are not happy with the services provided, or the way in which they are provided, they have the right to make a complaint. Feedback is encouraged to enable any issue to be investigated and, if necessary, the problem rectified. The Commission also appreciates positive feedback, which helps reinforce the good work of its employees. The Commission will manage all complaints with respect and fairness in a timely manner and ensure access to assistance with lodging a complaint.

Complaints must be made in writing by completing the online feedback form on the Commission’s website or by letter or email to:

Chief Executive Officer
Mid West Development Commission
20 Gregory Street
Geraldton WA 6530

Complaints will be dealt with effectively and promptly without prejudice or bias. The Commission will work to resolve all complaints in a timely manner and will as soon as practicable advise the complainant of the expected timelines in dealing with a complaint.

Further information about the complaints process is available on the Ombudsman Western Australia website